
“In today’s world, more and more people live suspended between the reality of the place they emigrated to and the memory of the home they left behind. It is in this context that Liana Miuccio’s photographs become even more significant. Through her photographs, Miuccio juxtaposes her two worlds on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Miuccio, who was born in Rome and grew up in New York, reflects on her present life as a woman with two homelands. The two passports she owns are not mere official documents but have become part of her cultural, artistic, and intellectual identity. Miuccio combines two images into a single one: Rome and New York, at times so similar, often so different, are juxtaposed in an original way that forces the onlooker to reflect beyond the generic and banal.  For those of us who live a duality, the ultimate challenge is perhaps searching for a fusion between the two parts of oneself, to succeed in pasting together pieces of memory to create one entity while being faithful to each distinct fragment. For this undertaking and for the simple beauty of her images, we remain grateful to Liana Miuccio.”
From Introduction to Liana Miuccio’s Doppia Visione/Double Vision exhibit
-Roberto Caracciolo (Visual Arts Liasion, American Academy in Rome)

“Liana Miuccio’s photographs pulsate with the essential beauty and warmth of her Italian heritage. Although her intimate black and white images achieve a highly personal form of photojournalism, they go beyond just telling one family’s story. An Italian Journey succeeds in reaching all of us who form this great nation of immigrants…”
-Gay Talese, Author (From the introduction to Liana Miuccio’s Exhibit, An Italian Journey, Ellis Island Immigration Museum, NY)

“Rare is the person who hasn’t at one time or another attempted to chronicle and document her family; rarer still is the person like Liana Miuccio, who has the consummate skills of a photojournalist and the ties on two sides of the Atlantic to turn a personal quest into an art. The results are a brilliant and emotional exhibition An Italian Journey.”
-Edward Higgins, Art Critic: Artphile

“There is a healthy conflict in these pictures between Miuccio the photojournalist—the outsider and reporter—and Miuccio the family member: niece, daughter, and granddaughter of her subjects. This provides the photographs with a remarkable level of intimacy (a picture of her grandfather shaving) combined with a knack for capturing the precise moment when a gaze is most expressive, or a gesture most revealing.”
-Reid Frazier, Art Critic (Resident reporting on An Italian Journey)

“Liana Miuccio’s black and white photographs convey the nuances of her subjects’ psychology. The intense expression she captures and the graphic simplicity of composition makes her work both appealing and mysterious. The strength emanating from the women photographed attests to the challenges they have faced and continue to face in their lives. Miuccio’s past photographic work, which explored her Italian immigrant experience, has made her sensitive to issues of diversity and cultural difference.”
-Karina Skiversky, Curator (From the introduction to Liana Miuccio’s images in The Many Faces of Queens Women Exhibit, Jamaica Arts Center, NY)

“Miuccio captures people’s emotions and their environments in a tangible and personal way. Liana’s journalistic background has also contributed to her ease in working with multiple cultures and adds great versatility and added depth to her work. Her portraits always tell a powerful story.” 

-Donna Graham (Infocus Magazine)